













  1. 曾令艳(4/6); 高性能中心给粉旋流煤粉燃烧技术, 中华人民共和国国务院, 发明, 国家二等奖, 2015(李争起; 陈智超; 孙锐; 曾令艳; 方占岭; 秦裕琨) (科研奖励)

  2. 曾令艳(4/11); W火焰锅炉多次引射分燃烧技术, 黑龙江省人民政府, 发明, 省部一等奖, 2020(李争起; 陈智超; 宋宝军; 曾令艳; 夏良伟; 秦裕琨; 李振宁; 黄莺; 孙浩; 王静杰; 吴江全) (科研奖励)

  3. Lingyan Zeng*, Minhang Song, Xiaoguang Li, et al. Factors affecting the downward flame depth in a 600 MW down-fired boiler incorporating multiple-injection and multiple-staging technology. Energy, 2017, 118: 333-344. IF=6.082, JCR分区: 1

  4. Lingyan Zeng*, Zhaohua Jiang, Xiaoguang Li, Zhichao Chen, Jia Zhang,Minghang Song & Zhengqi Li. Experiment and numerical simulation investigations of the combustion and NOx emissions characteristics of an over-fire air system in a 600 MWe boiler. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2017, 71(9), 944–961. IF=2.96, JCR分区:1

  5. Xiaoguang Li, Lingyan Zeng*, Xin Zhang, Neng Fang, Minhang Song, Zhichao Chen. Effects of the fuel-lean coal/air flow damper opening on combustion,energy conversion and emissions in a supercritical down-fired boiler. Fuel,doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2022.120319. IF=5.578, JCR分区:1

  6. Li, Xiaoguang; Zeng, Lingyan*; Zhang, Ning; Zhang, Xin; Song, Minhang; Chen, Zhichao; Li, Zhengqi ; Effects of the gas/particle flow and combustion characteristics on water-wall temperature and energy conversion in a supercritical down-fired boiler at different secondary-air distributions, Energy, 2022, 238: 1-18. IF=6.082, JCR分区: 1

  7. Minhang Song, Lingyan Zeng*, Zhichao Chen, Zhengqi Li, Qunyi Zhu, and Min Kuang. Industrial application of an improved multiple injection and multiple staging combustion technology in a 600 MWe supercritical down-fired boiler. Environmental Science & Technology, 2016, 50: 1604-1610. IF=7.864, JCR分区:1

  8. Xiaoguang Li, Lingyan Zeng*, Hongye Liu, He Du, Xiuchao Yang, Hui Han, Wenjie Liu, Shaofeng Zhang, Minhang Song, Zhichao Chen and Zhengqi Li. Numerical simulation study on the influences of the secondary-tertiary air proportion on the airflow mixing effects and pulverized coal combustion characteristics in a 300-MW down-fired boiler. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2019, 130: 326-343. IF=4.966, JCR分区:1

  9. Minhang Song, Lingyan Zeng*, Xiuchao Yang, et al. Influence of the mass ratio of pulverized-coal in fuel-rich flow to that in fuel-lean flow on the gas/particle flow and particle distribution characteristics in a 600 MWe down-fired boiler.Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2018, 91: 363-373. IF=3.444, JCR分区:1

  10. Minhang Song, Lingyan Zeng*, Xiaoguang Li, et al. Effects of tertiary air damper opening on flow, combustion and hopper near-wall temperature of a 600 MWe down-fired boiler with improved multiple-injection multiple-staging technology.Journal of the Energy Institute, 2018, 91(4): 573-583. IF=4.748, JCR分区:2

  11. Minhang Song, Lingyan Zeng*, Yan Zhao, Jiangtao Pei, Zhengqi Li. Secondary air distribution in a 600 MWe multi-injection multi-staging down-fired boiler: A comprehensive study. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2020,93(3) : 1250-1260. IF=4.748, JCR分区:2

  12. Neng Fang, Lingyan Zeng*, et al.Numerical simulation of flow and gasification characteristics with different swirl vane angles in a 2000 t/d GSP gasifier. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019153:791-799. IF= 4.725, JCR分区:2

  13. Xiaoguang Li, Lingyan Zeng*, Hongye Liu, Minhang Song, Wenjie Liu, Hui Han, Shaofeng Zhang, Zhichao Chen and Zhengqi Li. Numerical simulation investigations into the influence of the mass ratio of pulverized-coal in fuel-rich flow to that in fuel-lean flow on the combustion and NOx generation characteristics of a 600-MW down-fired boiler. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 202027, 16900-16915. IF=3.056, JCR分区:2

  14. Fang Neng; Zeng Lingyan*; Li Zhengqi; Lu Yue; Chen Zhichao ; Numerical analysis of an 80,000 Nm3/ h fly ash entrained-flow gasifier at various burner inclination angles, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 1-12. IF=3.056, JCR分区:2

  15. Minhang Song, Lingyan Zeng*, Yan Zhao, et al. Experimental and numerical simulation research on the inner-secondary-air ratio in a 600-MWe down-fired boiler.International Journal of Energy Research, 2019, 43(4): 1547-1562. IF=3.741, JCR分区:2

  16. 曾令艳; 郑智巍; 陈智超; 李争起; 煤气化系统的联合除渣装置及其应用方法, 2021-11-5, 中国, ZL202010734718.9 (专利)

  17. 曾令艳; 郑智巍; 李争起; 陈智超; 应用用于煤气化除渣系统的喷淋装置进行除渣的方法, 2021-5-4, 中国, ZL202010734705.1 (专利)

  18. 曾令艳; 杜贺; 谭紫莹; 李争起; 郑智巍; 陈智超; 朱群益; 布置拱上二次风的缝隙式乏气后置W火焰锅炉及配风方法, 2021-5-7, 中国, ZL202010271187.4 (专利)

  19. 曾令艳; 陈智超; 李争起; 王浩鹏; 刘晓英; 蒋炳坤; 朱群益; 一种煤粉气化炉烧嘴, 2018-9-7, 中国, ZL201510579027.5 (专利)

  20. 曾令艳; 陈智超; 李争起; 王浩鹏; 刘晓英; 蒋炳坤; 朱群益; 顶部及炉体同时供入气化剂强旋转煤粉气化方法, 2018-9-7, 中国, ZL201510578724.9 (专利)


